St. James Assiniboia School Division [Logo]

Advanced: Aviation

1 CR - 110 Hours


Principles of Flight: Stability and Controls - 15 Hours
V.1 Stability: Positive, Negative and Neutral
V.2 Stability: Sensitivity of Controls - Dynamic and Static

V.3 Longitudinal Stability - Relative Wind, Thrust, Drag

V.4 Lateral Stability: Dihedral, Keel Effect, Sweepback

V.5 Directional Stability: Vertical Tail Surfaces, Centre of Gravity, Throttle
V.6 Flight Controls: Ailerons, Rudder, Elevators, Trim Tabs
Navigation Computers - 15 Hours
V. 7 Heading and True Airspeed

V. 8 True Track and Ground Speed

V. 9 Magnetic Heading and Magnetic Track

V. 10 Pressure / Density / True Altitudes

V. 11 Indicated / Calibrated / True Airspeed

V. 12 Time / Ground Speed / Distance

V. 13 Fuel Consumption and Conversions

V. 14 Climbs / Descents

Pre-Flight Preparation - 10 Hours

V. 16 Fuel Requirements

V. 17 Weight and Balance

V. 18 Use of Canada Flight Supplement

V. 19 Flight Plans Itineraries

V. 20 Flight Log / Documentation

V. 21 Aircraft Serviceability

Radio Theory - 15 Hours
V. 22 Low / High and Very High Frequency Radio Waves

V .23 Frequency Bands Used in Navigation and Communication

V. 24 Operational Limitations

V. 25 VHF Omnidirection Range (VOR) Principles of Operation

V. 26 Serviceability / Orientation / Homing

V. 27 Intercepting Predetermined Radials and Tracking

V. 28 Position Lines and Fixes

V. 29 Time and Distance Formula - VHF (VOR) Airways and Routes

Automatic Direction Finder - 15 Hours
V. 30 Principles of Operation, Equipment

V. 31 Serviceability Check

V. 32 Interpretation / Orientation / Homing

V. 33 Intercepting Predetermined Tracks and Tracking

V. 34 Position Lines and Fixes

V. 35 Relative Bearings and Conversion to Magnetic / True Bearings

V. 36 Time and Distance Formula - Inaccuracies / Limitations

V. 37 LF/MF (NDB) Airways and Air Routes

V. 38 Radio Magnetic Indicator

V. 39 Long Range Area Navigation (LORAN C) - Inaccuracies and Reception Limitations

Global Navigation Satellite System, Radio / Radar Aids - 10 Hours
V. 40 Principles of Operation

V. 41 Equipment, Serviceability Checks

V. 42 Interpretation, Orientation and Tracking

V. 43 Distance Measuring Equipment (DME), Transponder, VHF Direction Finding Assistance, Precision Approach Radar

Flight Instruments - 20 Hours V. 44 Airspeed Indicator, Principles of Operation, Errors / Malfunction, Definitions IAS/CAS/TAS
V. 45 Vertical Speed Indicator, Principles of Operation, Errors / Malfunction, Definitions
V. 46 Altimeter / Encoding Altimeter, Principles of Operation, Errors / Malfunction, Definitions
V. 47 Radio / Radar Altimeter, Principles of Operation, Limitations

V. 48 Direct Reading Magnetic Compass Principles of Operation, Magnetic Dip, Variation, Factors Adversely Affecting Deviation, Compass Correction Card, Turning and Acceleration Errors, Serviceability Checks, Checking Heading on the Ground and in Flight

V. 49 Gyroscope, Principles of Operation, Inertia, Precession

V. 50 Heading Indicator, Principles of Operation, Errors and Malfunctions, Limitations

V. 51 Attitude Indicator, Principles of Operation, Errors and Malfunctions, Limitations

V. 52 Turn and Bank Indicator / Turn Co-ordination Principles of Operation, Errors and Malfunctions, Limitations

V. 53 Instrument Flying, Loss of Visual References, Control and Performance Instruments, Instrument Scan / Interpretation Aircraft Control, Partial Panel, Unusual Attitudes / Recoveries
Use of Performance Charts - 10 Hours
V. 54 Take Off Charts, Cross Wind Charts, Cruise Charts

V. 55 Fuel Burn Charts, Landing Charts

V. 56 Effect of Ice / Snow / Frost / Slush / Water on Take-Off / Landing V. 57 Performance Speeds, Runway Surfaces, Upslope / Down Slope

V. 58 CRFI Performance Tables and Charts

Level III Flight Training Device - 5 Hours

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