Flying Colors Student Pilot Sancho McCann
Wins 2001 Webster Memorial Trophy
(Winnipeg, Manitoba) -- Sancho McCann, Canada's
top amateur pilot is a quiet-spoken young man.
A science student with a minor in philosophy at the University of Manitoba, the 18-year old has immersed himself in aviation.
Beginning in Air Cadets, McCann obtained his Glider License in 1999 and earned his Private Pilot License last summer. While working as a flight dispatcher at Flying Colors, he has also received his night rating and has almost completed his Commercial Pilot License.
In July, McCann won first place in the Webster Trophy Manitoba regional competition, one of nine divisions. McCann's close friend and fellow dispatcher, Ryan Mitchell, tied for second place in that competition.
The Webster National Competition Finals were held at the Edmonton Flying Club from August 22nd to August 25th. While Air Canada flew the other finalists to Edmonton for the finals in August, McCann chose to fly himself from Winnipeg in one of Flying Color's new Diamond Katana K100 aircraft which he used throughout the competition.
The nine regional winners each took two separate flight tests. One flight test covered upper air exercises and the other flight test included pilot navigation skills and some air exercises covering various phases of flying abilities. The candidates were also rated on their ability to prepare for a cross country flight using basic pilot navigation techniques, flight log preparation and in-flight use, and flight planning. There was also a practical written examination.
McCann was declared the national winner during the closing banquet by Robert Giguere, Vice President
Operations - Air Canada. In addition to the honour, McCann received:
McCann's flight instructor at Flying Colors, Raelene Crowe, commented "Sancho has been a pleasure to teach. For all his hard work and focus, he certainly deserves to win this title!"
Webster Memorial Trophy
The Webster Memorial Trophy Competition
strives to encourage excellence in amateur piloting skills. The Competition
provides entrants with a challenge and gives finalists national exposure
to senior officials and other dignitaries within the aviation industry.
It is a proven fact that many of Canada's potential aircrew employers watch
the annual Webster Competition with interest. Many former Webster Trophy
winners and other finalists have indeed been offered flying positions within
the Canadian aviation industry and elsewhere in the world simply because
they accepted the challenge to compete in a friendly contest with their
peers. One Webster winner became the president of Trans Canada Airlines.
The John C. Webster
Memorial Trophy
Competition was established in 1932 by the late Dr.J.C. Webster of
New Brunswick to perpetuate the memory of his son, John, who lost his life at
St. Hubert, Quebec in an aircraft accident while practicing to represent
Canada in an aerobatic flying competition, the Trans-Canada Air Pageant.
The previous
month, July 1931, John flying his Curtiss-Reid Rambler, had represented
Canada in the King's Cup Air Race held in England.
Flying Colors Pilot Training
Since opening its location at Winnipeg International Airport just two years ago, Flying Colors Pilot Training has earned international recognition and awards for its innovative training approach. Flying Colors offers the region's only baccalaureate aviation degree program, which combines in-depth aviation education together with professional flight training. Flying Colors uses state-of-the-art Diamond Katana and Beech Travelair aircraft and Canada's first and only Transport Canada certified Level 3 Flight Training Device.
More information is available online at the company's website at
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Additional contact information:
Mrs. Eunice
Webster Memorial Trophy Competition
Box 1390, Carleton Place
Phone: 613 257 7712
Fax: 613 257 3956
Mr. Sancho McCann